Thursday, June 5, 2014

Veggie Plantings & Garden Update for May 27th

 May 27th- Heirloom Tomato Plants

We had beautiful weather on Memorial Day, so I headed out to the garden to plant the heirloom tomato plants....2 each of....Yellow Pear, Black Cherry, & Sweet 100 (Three small varieties perfect for salads)
Yellow Plum & San Marzano (Plum variety)
Mortgage Lifter, Aunt Ruby's German Green, & Cherokee Purple
All purchased through D. Landreth

May 27th- Tomato, San Marzano 

 May 27th- Tomato, Mortgage Lifter

May 27th- Hot & Sweet Pepper plants

Some of the peppers have been difficult for me.  I had 3 varieties of hot pepper that needed to be planted 3 times before they would germinate!  I still have the seedlings from those varieties in the house as they aren't ready to be planted.

May 27th- Hot & Sweet Pepper plants

I have orange sweet pepper seedlings ready to be planted in the garden soon.  The first pair of seedlings died from damping off.

May 27th- Pole Beans, Lettuce, Spinach & Beets

My husband and I made teepees for the pole beans and then planted a couple of beans at each leg. 
Varieties in this bed include: Blue Lake Stringless, Landreth Stringless, Florida Speckled Butter Bean (Lima), & Christmas Pole Lima.
All purchased from D. Landreth

There are also different varieties of head lettuce, 2 varieties of spinach & 1 variety of beet planted along the edges of the beds 

May 27th- Pole Bean

May 27th- Peas, Bush Beans, Leaf Lettuce, Swiss Chard, Endive

More of the same seeds will be planted in the empty areas.  Hoping I can get a couple more plantings in before the summer heat sets in, which isn't usually until July & August.

May 27th- Arugula- left, 2 varieties of Turnip- center & right, Red Mustard- far right

I'll plant another row of arugula & turnips in the next week or so. 

May 27th- Radish- foreground, Kale- right, Collards & Kale- center bed

More collard & kale seedlings are almost ready for planting to fill in this bed.

May 27th- Cabbage & Arugula (far bed), & Cauliflower (center bed) 

 May 27th- Arugula planted in the same bed as cabbage

May 27th- 3 rows of Carrots, 

Carrot varieties are: Tonda Di Parigi, Nantes Scarlet Half Long, & Little Finger
All heirlooms and purchased from D. Landreth
Parsnips are planted in this bed as well- Heirloom Hollow Crown.  Another row of each will be planted in the next week or so. 

May 27th- Celery

May 27th- Cucumber on the left, Summer Squash on the right 

May 27th- Winter Squash....newly planted Butternut squash seedlings in the foreground bed

I had some difficulties with the butternut squash seedlings and ended up starting 2 new seedlings indoors.  They'll catch up with the Acorn & Spaghetti Squash plants before too long.  You can see the mesclun mix growing as well. 

May 27th- Onions 

May 27th- One of several Marigolds planted throughout the garden beds

Hope you're enjoying the garden updates as much as I'm enjoying sharing.  Tomorrow I'll update with the first harvest and how I cooked it.

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