Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Garden Update for September 22nd

I've been very busy lately trying to keep up with house chores while keeping up with what the garden has been producing.  Here are pictures of the harvests from the past few weeks.  There's only the one garden picture from yesterday.  I've been doing a little cleaning out here and there in preparation for the big Fall clean-up.  I'll share more garden pictures next week.

September 22nd-Garden Overview

September 5th- The usual squash, beans tomatoes & broccoli 
along with basil & a few dropped apples

September 8th- More squash, tomatoes, beans & peas

September 11th- Parsnips & carrots, squash, beans, tomatoes and peppers

September 11th- The peppers on the left are an heirloom variety sweet pepper 
called Chervena Chushka and the peppers at the top are Paprika peppers

September 13th- A large harvest today including 20 pounds of apples

September 13th- We also cut a lot of kale, beans & tomatoes

September 13th- A few pears as well

September 16th- More green beans

September 17th- I picked 8 more Paprika peppers

September 17th- I finally cut some of the smaller sunflowers to enjoy indoors

September 17th- Poblano (or Ancho) Chile peppers & Jalapeno peppers for jam making
and a little more kale

September 19th- The squash have slowed down quite a bit (thankfully),
 more beans, peppers, tomatoes and a few more carrots

September 20th- A big harvest today.  24 lbs of apples, spaghetti squash, tomatoes, pears......

September 20th- acorn squash, green beans, paprika peppers, zucchini
I pulled out 2 zucchini plants and saved all the little baby zucchini for pickling

September 20th

I'll share more pictures of the food preservation I've been working on. This week I'm working on apples.....about 44 pounds and there's more on the tree!

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